
"By combining the band’s tried-and-true punk style with a touching emphasis on lyric and tone, The Disappointment After deftly avoids disappointing their longtime fans. Rapid and abrasive guitar chords jive with raw lyrics and metered percussion to produce a unique experience in several songs on their newest album, Searching For March. One of the notable things about this band is the way in which they manage to link tracks almost in a story-like style, tying in the whole record seamlessly. Musically, it’s evident that there’s been a real growth in their sound. At times the chaos of it all can be very overwhelming. With an album that encompasses some epic storytelling, hilarious one liners, and incredible guitar solos, it definitely requires a couple of listens as it’s extremely easy to miss something the first time around. The record demonstrates how they’ve grown over the years whilst still retaining the charm and talent that has allowed them to continue thus far, but we can only hope we don’t have to wait quite so long for the next album."
